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Barb Rosy – Red | Puntius conchonius

08 June 2022 - Kategori Blog

Barbir fish is a small fish that is quite popular in Indonesia, fish that have a reddish yellow color with black spots between the tail and body as a characteristic of barbir fish, the body of the fish is slender and elongated, some have long tails (barbir slayer). Cherry Barbs or barbir fish are included in the active but peaceful fish group, better known by their scientific name Puntius conchonius. This fish is easy to care for both for people who are already proficient in caring for fish in an aquarium or beginners who have just started caring for fish.

Barbir fish originating from the waters in India and its surroundings has the scientific name Puntius conchonius and Barbir Fish in their natural habitat can grow to a size of about 15cm, but the average barbir size is only about 7-10cm, when cared for in an aquarium may be smaller again about 5-7cm. While the average age of barbir fish can last up to 5 years.

Barbir is a freshwater fish originating from India. In addition to India barbir fish are also found in Singapore, Australia, Mexico, Puerto Rico, and Colombia. In their natural habitat barbir fish like to be in rivers with moderate to fast currents and will swim at the bottom of the river or in the middle.

Difficulty Caring for Fish

It is quite easy to care for barbir fish because these fish are not spoiled fish and do not need special care. Just like other small fish, only fish prefer to live in groups and swim together chasing each other, if you want to keep barbir fish, try to keep at least 6 or more.

Barbir Fish that are still small will be difficult to distinguish between male and female, as the barbir grows older, there will be clear differences in the color of the fish. For male barbir will look redder while female barbir has a more yellow color, male barbir fish are also slimmer and longer while females are shorter and fatter.

Barbir fish are omnivorous and opportunistic eaters, food such as fish pallets or natural food such as dried shrimp, mosquito larvae, silk worms or blood worms are also willing as long as the size of the feed is smaller than fish. some live algae will also be eaten by the barbir,

Because the character of barbir fish is a fish that likes to eat, so it can be adjusted to feed barbir fish not too much because it is fond of eating will make all the food that is in voracious and can cause bad effects for fish because they are full.

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