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Barb Black Ruby | Puntius nigrofasciatus

08 June 2022 - Kategori Blog

Also known as the Purple-Headed Barb, the Black Ruby Barb has a distinct deep red color that is not commonly seen in other aquarium fish. With a body shape similar to the Tiger Barb (above), this fish starts with a pale yellow body that deepens with age.

As already mentioned, the body shape of fish is very similar to that of their closest relatives – the mutant and the tiger barb. His body was tall, but it was quite short, pointed muzzle, absent mustache. Painted in yellow or yellow-grey, with three black vertical stripes. Sexually ripe fish head purplish red in hue. Males are shy all over, especially seen during the spawning season.

The male becomes completely black on the dorsal fin, while the female only has her base case black. anal and ventral fins in males are red-black or black.

In cases of stress when the fish are afraid, during illness, when conditions are poor, representatives of both sexes pale. Because of this, they often look unattractive on the market in tanks, but once at home, they slightly get used to the new home, restore color and become very beautiful.

The size of the barb – about 5.5 cm, life expectancy – five years.

Under natural conditions, the black spines feed mainly on detritrome, if only because that is all that it can find at the bottom of the pond – algae, insects, invertebrates, plants. They forage in leaf litter, which is found in large quantities under rivers in Sri Lanka. The main part of their diet are plant components.

As a result, barb black, contained in a tank, requires feed with a high fiber content. It is, first of all, cereals with spirulina, vegetables – squash, cucumbers, spinach, lettuce. With no lack of appetite consume black forage spines and proteins – crank, daphnia, artemia. Otherwise, it will break off the young shoots of aquatic plants.

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