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Assorted Angel Veiltail | Pterophyllum scalare

06 June 2022 - Kategori Blog

This species can eat types of Omnivores, tubifex, water fleas, mosquito larvae, dry food. By breeding: Pretty easy. Angelfish belong to the order Perciformes, Suborder: Percoidei, Family: Cichlidae and Genera: Pterophyllum. General body shape is disc-shaped. The dorsal and anal fins are elongated and, like sails, the pectoral fins are stretched into long filaments. The caudal fin is fan-shaped and wide. The outer fin rays are elongated. In older fish a forehead bulge. Including fins can reach a length of six inches and a height of ten inches.

Coloration of Specimens original and wild: Body “silver” with a slight brown tinge, snout, back and forehead brownish yellow. The sides are marked by four black transverse stripes, the first of which runs in a curve from the nape of the neck through the eyes to the beginning of the pelvic fins. The second is from the back to the anus, the third is the most prominent movement from the dorsal to the anal fin and the fourth is across the start of the caudal fin. Some fainter stems are sometimes seen on the upper body.

The best way to ensure at least one pair of male and female fish is to select 6 perfect specimens from a full tank. This method is cheaper than buying from cultivators. When preparing to purchase 6 Angelfish, take your time to study the fish and select only those with straight top and bottom fins and perfect ‘feeling’ without bending or bending in them. They have to be strong, strong, and active. Angelfish are active feeders meaning they will grow quickly, and females have a high egg production rate. Do not buy fish from tanks with dead fish in them, with fungal or parasitic infestations.

Once you have carefully selected your 6 potential fish species, they can be arranged in a minimum 20 gallon tank to grow and eventually mate. If they are well fed with live food choices, they will grow rapidly and reach cultivation size quickly. You will see at least the “pair off” set. This will be your breeding partner.

How to keep Angelfish so that they can spawn and reproduce

The minimum size tank for a breeding pair of Angelfish is 15 gallons, but must be 25 gallons or larger if you plan to leave the fry with the brood. As you can imagine, a mature pair of fish with 200-300 fry to herd around will be pretty cramped in terms of smaller ones. Larger tanks provide a sense of security and the brooders are less likely to eat the eggs.

Angelfish can survive on food scraps alone, but they will thrive and are much more likely to reproduce on a very varied diet. Live foods such as adult brine shrimp, black worms, mosquito larvae, finely chopped earthworms, and guppies are enthusiastically received and should be included regularly.

If live food is not available, frozen packets of blood worms, brine shrimp etc. It is available from your favorite pet supply store and is an acceptable substitute for live food. There is plenty of dry food available which is also sufficient. Raw beef heart, finely ground, mixed with unflavored gelatin and immediately frozen in small serving sizes is a good and economical addition to your Angelfish diet. Make sure there is absolutely no fat in the meat.


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