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Apistogramma Pandurini | Apistogramma Pandurini

10 June 2022 - Kategori Blog

Apistogramma pandurini are beautiful dwarf cichlid fish that are closely related to apistogramma nijesseni and in fact, they are placed in the apistogramma nijesseni group.

Panduro’s apistogramma is sometimes referred to as pandurini’s apistogramma. However, the correct species name is panduro. The name comes from the Peruvian fish exporter who first collected the fish.

They are found in the same general area as apistogramma nijesseni. All apistos of the nijesseni group appear to have a limited range in the western Amazon region. A. Panduro caught in the blackwater river near Colonia, Peru.

Fish are not fussy about food types and will adapt to most high quality foods. These waters are soft and acidic with a sandy substrate. The pH in their native waters is usually below 6. Of course, live food is best and is very helpful in breeding.

Apistogramma panduro (A-183), also commonly referred to as Apistogramma pandurini ,  is a species of small freshwater fish, pond cichlid from the Amazon river basin in Peru. These dwarf cichlids are closely related to Apistogramma nijsseni , so much so that they are placed in the Apistogramma nijessni species group . Some common names for Apistogramma panduro, Blue Panda Apisto and Panduros’ apisto.

Their name comes from Peruvian fish exporters who first collected these fish in a limited range in the western Amazon region, caught in a blackwater river near Colonia, Peru.  These waters are very soft and more acidic (pH < 6) with a sandy substrate. Distribution of the Apistogramma nijsseni species group (to which A. panduro belongs) occurs in isolated blackwater tributaries of the Marañon River , Ucayali River , Nanay River and Napo River from Peru, which drain the ancient Napo Superfan. They have a tendency for these low-velocity branching waterways which are found most often under cover due to increased diffusion of light into the water by leaves and other color sources.

A pair of Apistogramma panduro requires an average aquarium tank that is 60x30x30 cm in dimensions. When planning to breed or when more individuals are included, a larger tank may be required. Aquarium accessories or decorations have a low impact on Apistogramma pandurobecause they don’t seem to be affected by objects located within their space so long as less restrictive items are free in the tank area. If it is the goal to create a natural habitat for the aquarium a soft substrate, and shady places provided by artificial leaves or large overhangs will do this best.

In addition, the overall composition of the water can be naturalized by adding a peat grade tank in the filter system. This will mimic the sediment/substrate rich habitat of Apistogramma pandurofound in greatest abundance.

This addition will stabilize the pH and inoculate microbial production in the sediment which can provide a natural supplement/source of food. Water flow and filtration should at a minimum avoid peat water replacement. In particular, shaded lighting or dim lighting is most preferred, along with non-toxic aquatic plants which will provide shade or floating vegetation which will allow for more diffusion of light through the tank.


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