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Angel Three Colour | Pterophyllum scalare

06 June 2022 - Kategori Blog

Cowardly, temperamental, and delicate, Angelfish are familiar to every freshwater aquarist and most frequently kept cichlids.

The Angelfish Pterophyllum scalare is a graceful disc-shaped cichlid. Although named for the marine angelfish, it bears little resemblance to this fish or other fish in the Cichlid family. Angelfish are somewhat diamond-shaped or leaf-like in appearance. Its round body is pressed to the side and accented by long triangular dorsal and anal fins. Its genus name Pterophyllum actually means “winged leaf.” This fish is also known as Silver Angelfish, Freshwater Angelfish, and Common Angelfish.

This very attractive fish is popular with both novice and experienced aquarists. In the wild, they are usually found with black stems on a silver body, but some natural mutations are stemless, solid black, or have a lace shape.

Through captive inbreeding, this natural variation has become a permanent form for the hobbyist. Angelfish are mostly all bred in captivity, and many varieties of colors and fins are available. Some of the most well-known varieties include Silver Angelfish, Zebra Angelfish, Marbled Angelfish, Veiltail Angelfish, Blushing Angelfish, and the much-produced Gold Angelfish.


These medium-sized cichlids are very tall and reach about 15 cm in length. Veil varieties can be taller because of the fins. They are fairly easy to care for, but they need sufficient space to accommodate their size and allow them to swim freely. A 30 gallon tank is the recommended minimum, but a pair or community will need a much larger tank.


Angelfish are considered community fish, but they are cichlids. As a result, they may not get along easily with smaller fish. They will go to school peacefully when young but tend to pair up and become more territorial as they get older. This shy fish can be frightened by shadows and fast movements. They will feel most at home and comfortable in a warmer aquarium which has perennials placed around the inside, some rocks and roots for retreat, and an open area in the middle for swimming.

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