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Angel Red Eye Albino | Pterophyllum scalare

06 June 2022 - Kategori Blog

Pterophyllum is a freshwater fish from the family Cichlidae and is better known to most aquarists as “angelfish”. All Pterophyllum species originate from the Amazon, Orinoco and Essequibo rivers, basin rivers in tropical South America.

Three species of Pterophyllum have a flat body shape, with a round body and triangular dorsal and anal fins elongated.

This body shape allows them to hide between roots and plants, often on vertical surfaces.

Wild angelfish are often longitudinally striped, with coloration as an additional means of camouflage. Including the type of fish Manfish Red eye.


Angelfish are ambush predators and prey on small fish and macro invertebrates. All Pterophyllum species form monogamous pairs.


Eggs are generally laid on submerged wood or flat leaves. As is the case for other cichlids, the mother will be very aggressive in caring for her young while they develop.


The freshwater angelfish ( Pterophyllum scalare ) was described in 1824 by F. Schultze . Pterophyllum comes from the Greek pteron (fin / sail) and phyllon (leaf).

In 1906 J. Pellegrin described P. altum. In 1963 P. leopoldi was described by JP Gosse.

There may still be undiscovered species in the Amazon River. New species of fish are being discovered with increasing frequency, and like P. scalare and P. leopoldi, the differences between the two are very slight.

scientific records describe P. leopoldi as having 29-35 successive lateral scales and a straight dorsal fin contour. Meanwhile, P. scalare is described as having 35-45 successive lateral scales and contours with a curved dorsal fin.


Angelfish are one of the most widely kept freshwater aquarium fish. They have the advantage of having a unique shape, color and behavior.


The species most often kept in aquariums is Pterophyllum scalare. Most of the fish found in the aquarium trade are captive-bred.

Sometimes Pterophyllum altum is available. Sometimes captive P. Altum and Pterophyllum leopoldi are also the most difficult to find on the market.


Angelfish are kept in a warm aquarium, ideally around 80°F (27°C). They will do their best when given a mix of flakes, frozen and live foods.


While young individuals will do well on flakes, larger individuals (once they have reached coin size) should be fed smaller pellets, such as pellets that are more nutrient dense.


Feeding should be in moderation, because they will continue to eat even unnecessary food. This will cause the accumulation of fat so that it is not active and causes premature death.

Angelfish will do best when kept in an acidic environment, pH should be below 7.5 (note: 7.5 is still slightly alkaline – acid is defined as below 7.0). All angelfish will prefer water with a maximum pH of 7.0. Although most Pterophyllum scalare will thrive in a wide range of pH values.

Although angelfish are members of the Cichlid family they are generally peaceful, but the general “big fish eat small fish” rule applies. Small fish like the Cardinal Tetra will be eaten.

Aggressive fish should not be kept with angelfish because their long dangling fins are prone to bites.

Angelfish also enjoy blackwater aquariums with abundant wood and dark places to relax.

At pet stores, freshwater angelfish are usually placed in the semi-aggressive category. Some tetras and barbs are compatible with angelfish, but fish that are small enough to fit in the angelfish’s mouth can be eaten. Fish that are most likely to bite on the fins (such as some barbs) should be avoided.

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