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Angel Platinum | Pterophyllum scalare

06 June 2022 - Kategori Blog

Manfish (Angle Fish) comes from South America, but has been widely cultivated in Indonesia. The manfish is called the Angle Fish, because of its attractive shape and color and its calm movement. In general, manfish cultivation does not require a large area of ​​land, it can even be done in an aquarium or paso from the ground, so it does not require a large investment for its cultivation.

This fish is a type of ornamental fish that is quite popular because of its beauty. Angel Fish or known by another name Manfish originally comes from the waters of the Amazon and belongs to the cichlid family. Although this fish looks peaceful, this manfish will be more aggressive towards fellow males, especially after 8-12 months of age. They will bite each other’s mouth (jaw-locking). Although in manfish the bite is not as deadly as other large cichlid fish.

The waters of the Amazon, Brazil, Columbia, and Peru in South America are the original habitat for manfish. Now, many manfish or angelfish have been cultivated in Indonesia.

Manfish belong to the Cichlidea family, the morphological characteristics of manfish are very unique and interesting, with a flat body shape and upper fins and abdominal fins that stretch wide towards the tail making the manfish like a bow arrow. With long pectoral fins that hang down to the tail, the manfish is very attractive.

Manfish fish can be used as parents after reaching 7 months of age with a length of ± 7.5 cm. To achieve optimal results, broodstock must be managed properly, among others, by providing good food such as mosquito larvae (To find out how to cultivate it, please refer to How to Cultivate Mosquito Larvae), Tubifex worms, or Chironomous. In addition, because the parent manfish is very sensitive to disease attacks, it is necessary to give periodic drug treatment. Drugs commonly used include Oxytetracycline and salt.

Before spawning, parent manfish are reared en masse (male and female) first in 1 large aquarium (size 100 x 60 x 60 cm³). after the eggs are cooked, the parent manfish will pair up and separate from other fish. The paired brood can already be taken and spawned at the spawning grounds.


In addition, it can be done, namely by pairing the parent manfish directly after knowing the male and female parents. The male parent is characterized by a larger body size than the female parent.

The head of the male parent looks rather large with the part from the mouth to the dorsal fin in a convex shape, and the body is slimmer than the female fish. While the female parent is characterized by a smaller body size and a smaller head shape with a larger/fat belly and a slightly prominent appearance.

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