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Angel Marble | Pterophyllum scalare

06 June 2022 - Kategori Blog

Marble Veil Angel Fish | Ornamental Aquarium – A is a strain of angelfish that has a black, white, and yellow marble pattern. The fins are long and finely thin, and usually continue to extend beyond the length of the body. Marble Veil Angel fish can have a size of up to 10 cm. Marble Veil Angel fish like life in calm water with a pH of 5.8 – 7 with a temperature of 24-26 degrees Celsius

We recommend choosing an aquarium that has at least 30 gallons of water, with slightly acidic and soft water. Rocks and driftwood can be added to the aquarium, but you can leave plenty of room for swimming.

It is best, when trying to breed Marble Veil Angel Fish in the same aquarium will automatically mate in pairs. After the Marble Veil Angel fish are paired, an aquarium with a flat surface needs to be provided where the eggs can be placed. You can put rocks, leaves of aquatic plants. The female Marble Veil Angel will lay eggs and the male will follow behind to fertilize. After about three days, the eggs will hatch and the chicks will appear. To eat Marble Veil Angel fish  Newly hatched prawns can be fed with seawater prawns until the fish are large enough to accept crushed food debris.

Marble Veil Angel fish need to be fed a variety of foods including vegetables as well as artificial foods. Feed quality flake form as well as live and frozen foods such as brine shrimp and bloodworms.

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