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Angel Black & White | Pterophyllum scalare

06 June 2022 - Kategori Blog

Angel Fish are often also known as Manfish, Angel fish are very attractive and charming for most experienced hobbyists. Owned aquarium must have a large area for fish to swim and hiding places. The angel fish will hide in the new tank and will start to stand out if they are not bullied by other angel fish. Angelfish like to fight and attack other angelfish fish that come later, this is because this fish has a territorial nature and will guard its territorial limits.

Angelfish are very strong fish and can live for a long time if cared for properly. All angel fish are protogynous hermaphrodites, meaning that they start their sexual life as female fish, then turn into males after reaching a certain size. They mostly live solitary, preferring shallow waters between 6 – 50 feet (2 – 20 meters), although there are some species that live in deep waters of about 150 feet (50 meters), therefore these fish are territorial.

The morphological characteristics and habits of angelfish are as follows:

  •  Has a variety of colors and types
  •  Flat body shape, with a body like an arrow
  •  The pelvic and dorsal fins extend wide towards the tail, giving the appearance of a dark, transparent arc
  •  On the chest there are two long fins that hang down to the tail.
  •    Protect and protect their offspring.
  •    Omnivorous
  •    Classified easily accept various types of food in various forms and sources
  •    Territorial in nature

Seawater Angel Fish basically have three main sizes. In addition, the uniqueness of this fish is the change in color pattern when it is still a chick to become an adult.

Types of angel fish:



1.Apolemichthys arcuatus (Black & White Banded Angelfish / Bandit Angelfish )

2.Apolemichthys armitagei ( Armitage Angelfish )

3.Apolemichthys griffisi (Griffis’ Angelfish)

4.Apolemichthys guezei (Reunion Angelfish)

5.Apolemichthys Angelfish / Kings Angelfish (Tiger Angelfish) )

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