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Angel Black | Pterophyllum scalare

06 June 2022 - Kategori Blog

Angel Fish or better known as man fish are fish from the Amazon waters in South America. This fish is a member of the Cichlidae family. In accordance with their kinship, these fish have characteristics including a flat body shape resembling an arrow, varying colors, having wide dorsal and pelvic fins and extending towards the tail and looks like a bow arrow. On the chest there are 2 fins with a length that hangs down to the tail. Manfish is a group of ornamental fish that are widely cultivated and used to decorate home aquariums

Classification of Manfish

Kingdom : Animalia

Sub Kingdom : Metazoa

Order: Perciformes

Sub phylum: Vertebrates

Superclass : Osteichthyes

Class : Actinopterygii

Family : Cichlidae

Genus: Pterophyllum

Species: Pterophyllum scalare

Phylum: Chordata


Angel fish live in freshwater waters just like Silver Arowana fish which have a pH between 6 to 8. In their natural habitat in the Amazon, this type of fish lives in water with calm currents and there are many aquatic plants. It can live at a temperature of 24 – 30 C, and can reach a body length of 7.5 cm. In the wild, this manfish has been found with a size of 25 cm. The diet of angel fish is blood worms, dry worms, pellets and mosquito larvae.

Types of Fish Manfish / Angel Fish

Diamonds (Diamonds)




A good parent Manfish is 7 months old and about 7.5 cm long. To recognize the male parent, it can be seen from his body size. the male has a larger body size than the female, the part from the mouth to the fin is convex with a slimmer body. Breeders have a smaller body with a prominent belly shape and tend to be fat. Angel fish eggs are attached to a PVC substrate that has been prepared in a special spawning aquarium. Manfish prefer calm and dark conditions, so you have to condition it. The number of eggs produced is between 500 to 1000 eggs.

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