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Amapa Red Back Angel | Pterophyllum scalare

06 June 2022 - Kategori Blog

Manfish (Pterophyllum scalare) is a beautiful freshwater ornamental fish, among ornamental fish hobbyists it is also called angelfish.

Because of its calm movement, shape, and attractive color, the manfish is also called the angelfish.

The waters of the Amazon, Brazil, Columbia, and Peru in South America are the original habitat for manfish. Now, many manfish or angelfish have been cultivated in Indonesia.
Manfish belong to the Cichlidea family, the morphological characteristics of manfish are very unique and interesting, with a flat body shape and upper fins and abdominal fins that stretch wide towards the tail making the manfish like a bow arrow. With long pectoral fins that hang down to the tail, the manfish is very attractive.

The attractive color variants of the manfish and the various types add to its own appeal.

Unlike betta fish that eat their fry, manfish are fish that protect and protect their offspring.
In terms of food, manfish is very easy, because manfish are omnivores.

There are several types of fish that are popular in Indonesia.

The Most Popular Types of Manfish in Indonesia

Hoobiis Manfish fish are the most well known and popular (popular) fish. Besides manfish and angelfish, this fish is also known as kite fish.

There are several types of manfish that are popular among Indonesian ornamental fish hobbyists.

1, Diamond Manfish (diamond), The color of this type of manfish is very beautiful, the color is shiny silver to grayish green. On the top of the head there is a yellow to blackish brown color that runs down to the back.

2, Imperial Manfish, Types of manfishIt has a silver base color where the body is decorated with 4 vertical stripes that are black or blackish brown.

3, Manfish Marble, this type of manfish has a mixture of black and white colors that form a vertical line.

4, Black-White Manfish, The black-colored manfish adorns the back half of the body, while the white color adorns the front half, including the head.

The body shape of manfish of all types is almost the same, or it can be said that all the shapes are the same, but manfish have many colors, such as white, black, mottled, there is also a yellowish manfish.


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