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Alligator Gar

14 July 2022 - Kategori Blog

Alligator fish ( Alligator gar ) is a dangerous fish because it has an invasive nature. This ferocious fish can grow quickly and threaten other endemic animals.

This fish with the scientific name Atractosteus spatula has the ability to adapt to various salinities from freshwater lakes, brackish water, swamps, estuaries, and bays. Alligator fish have a swim bladder connected to the intestine by a unique channel, making it possible to swallow air from the surface and live in water with low oxygen levels.


Alligator Fish Habitat and Prey

Citing National Geographic , this fish with habitat from the Amazon River in the United States can have a length of up to 3 meters and a weight of up to 158 kilograms (kg). This fish with sharp teeth and a broad head resembling a crocodile is the largest freshwater species living in North America. Although it has the potential to threaten ecosystems, this fish, which is thought to have first appeared 157 million years ago, in fact does not attack or prey on humans if there is no threat. However, the eggs that serve as a defense mechanism are dangerous if consumed.

Fish that can live up to the age of 50 years usually prey on other fish, small turtles, blue crabs, birds, waterfowl, to small mammals.

Before pounce on its prey, the alligator gar will usually wait a few meters below the surface of the water, after locking the target, with fast movements, this voracious fish will catch and stab the prey with its sharp teeth.

Meanwhile, the natural predators of alligator fish are crocodiles. Several other species also prey on young alligator fish.

Alligator gar (Atractosteus spatula)

Due to habitat loss and efforts to exterminate some people, this fish nicknamed the ‘river monster’ is threatened with extinction. Fortunately, there are still a number of people carrying out efforts to rescue and breed this ferocious fish.

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