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Albino Cobalt Zebra | Pseudotropheus zebra

23 June 2022 - Kategori Blog

This cichlid from the African continent is known to have fish that are rich in color. In addition, the types of African cichlids are very diverse, there are about 1300 species of African cichlids. Lake Malawi has about 800 species of species. Lake Tangayika has about 250 species.

The first group, namely Tilapiines, which has only 5 species, is further divided into 2 groups, mouthbrooders (bringing young in the mouth) and substrate laying eggs (laying eggs on substrates such as rocks, etc.).

The second group, the Haplochromines, comprises 99% of the cichlids in Lake Malawi. This group is further divided into three groups; Mbuna , Haplochromis , and Astatotilapia ( which has only one species, namely A. calliptera) .


Besides being known as a “smart” fish, cichlid fish are also known to be very aggressive and territorial. They do not hesitate to hurt and kill other fish. For this reason, those who want to keep this type of ornamental fish should not combine it with other fish except in very large aquariums. Although in some cases these fish get along with other fish, but most of these ornamental fish are very aggressive and do not tolerate other fish in the same aquarium, especially when these fish are large.


This African Cichlids decoration also needs to be made a place where it has decorations such as plants. Here, plants normally become food, so in order not to be eaten by fish, choose only ornamental plants.

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